donderdag 27 maart 2014

My motivation to work as an internet marketeer

Media Marketing Me blogger Koen Asaert explains that how losing your job, may be a great motivator to become interested in a job as internet marketeer. Especially when job loss, comes as a result of a business culture that is not up to date with new forms of marketing and driven by old economic strategies. 

It has literally taken me many years to realize in which direction I want to head professionaly.

If there would have existed a higher education to become a professional writer, when I had left high school, I would definitely have chosen that direction.
I always excelled in writing essays, book reviews and even poetry, I also had a talent for languages and the play of words. But I guess 'writer' wasn't considered a real profession, When I left high school, it was destined that I would take up higher studies. I was an intelligent young lad.
I was intelligent. But I was also sensitive and an odd post new romantic boy. I liked history, So I tried studying history on a university level. But I learned that some eras in history are more fun to study than others. And that the method of teaching at university probably just wasn't fit for me.

As both my parents had a diploma of social worker and because I had taken up an interest and excelled in social history of the modern ages I started studying to be a social worker.
The post-new romantic became a dark romantic rebel. I managed to graduate cum laude as a social worker, But truely, my strong points and interests had more to do with social politics, social governance and lawmaking than with individual social work.

I worked 2 years as an 'educatief medewerker' for a syndical youth movement in Brussels, creating projects, answering phonecalls for information, writing brochures, and such.
After that I applied for some positions as a social worker, But I guess people could sense it that my soul wasn't in it. Even if I excelled in theoretical knowledge.

At some point in time, I decided to do something with my passion for alternative music and fashion. I took courses. Then decided to go all the way and start a business myself. So with a minimal budget I purchased some rather unique merchandise.v I designed a website. I added an e-commerce module, promoted my website in any cheap way possible I did the paperwork and VAT-declarations. I started selling seriously on Ebay. I sent out packages, etc. The result was that I had  a little e-commerce business with a very satisfied international circle of clients. But also an empty wallet and no financial reserves. So after one year I called it quits, 

Then, I began working as a humble salesperson in a big department store for toys and leisure products.  And even as on ordinary foot soldier in this firm I was responsible for different departments. I did this job for five years, And in those 5 years I saw things change and I saw myself change. I saw top management making several capital mistakes and I saw a marketing department, with little interest in internet marketing. I often told myself I would do it differently and better, if I were in their position.

So when that job was over. I took it as a challenge to be better at what those marketeers should be doing. I seized the opportunity to take a course on internet marketing and achieved getting my certificate. I read up on the subject. I followed discussions on internet marketing, social media and blogging on LinkedIn, Google+ and Xing.. I playfully tried some things, I had learned about, on a personal website that I created. Then in March I started this blog to prove myself and others that I would be a great asset as a copywriter, content marketeer or internet journalist.

I am really hoping that someone somewhere will give me a chance to prove myself as internet marketeer.I would even be willing to relocate within Europe or to Asia.

p.s. Belgian employers  can hire me cheaply with an IBO-contract.(see: )

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