zondag 23 maart 2014

Connecting social media to save time and get more likes, shares, followers and comments

Connect your social media to save time and reach a broader audience.his tip will save you a lot time in trying your message through to different kind of social media platforms. The time saved you can use for better purposes. For writing a blog for instance.

Here's another great piece of advice, that everyyone should follow, to boost their social media presence.
Post your facebook updates automatically on Twitter. Post your tweets and retweets automatically on your Facebook. Show your Pinterest pins on Facebook. Have your LinkedIn updates shared by one click both on Twitter and Facebook.

Always check in your account settings wether you can connect with other social media. In settings of Facebook you can set your Facebook to post your updates on Twitter. This only works if you have your 'privacy' set on public. This way you won't have to worry about the 140 character restriction of Twitter. Nor will you need the services of a short url platform. Facebook makes the short url for you. You'll be able to post long texts, video's and picture albums.

Check your Twitter settings and connect your Twitter account to your Facebook account. You'll be able to post your tweets and retweets. But Facebook will not show any tweets using the @ At-sign.

Pinterest can be connected with Facebook. Your friends or fans will be able to see your pins and place a comment.

Connect your LinkedIn with Twitter. Check your account settings in LinkedIn. You will not be able to automatically post every LinkedIn status to Twitter. But by checking the twitter icon that will appear when writing your status, it will share your status with Twitter. And when you have connected your Twitter with your Facebook account , your Linkedin status will also automatically appear on your Facebook timeline.
Note that this is not possible when placing a discussion or other message in one of the LinkedIn Groups.

And last but not least, it may also be a adviseable to start a blog on blog platform that offers features to  easily share your blog articles on major social media platforms. An other advantage of a blog, is having an easy traceable inventory of ideas which you can always edit and share again on social media. When you have written an idea on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, you can have a hard time finding back that status. After a while that idea may have easily been disappeared. Especially when it was on LinkedIn.

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